Chatham Island an ICM wonderland

Chatham Island’s brilliant blue sky against the backdrop of the shoreline and the green from the South Coast allow for photographers to create a variety of ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) images.

These images taken on Women in Photography’s annual photography retreat are just some of the photographic genres, if you’re an artistic photographer that you can master.

Women in Photography also runs an annual Auckland based ICM Photography Retreat where globally recognised and New Zealand based ICM photographer Judy Stokes will take you through the entire “capture to image editing” process while I take you through the print preparation and editing process.

My Personal ICM Journey

Exploring the world of Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) under the tutorage of Stephanie Johnson global ICM leader and mentor as well as being the founder of ICM Photography Magazine has been a very personal journey for me and pushing me to “unlearn” traditional photographic techniques.

A Different Kind of Photography

In the simplest terms, ICM can be defined as photographically capturing an image while intentionally moving the camera during the exposure.

ICM is a fascinating and beautiful world where the camera and the photographer’s movements combine to become a mechanical paintbrush, transforming photographic captures into something completely unique and otherwise invisible to the naked eye.


New Zealand ICM Photography Retreat Images

ICM Capture to Print Retreat in New Zealand …… stunning prints from the ladies participating our inaugural ICM Capture to Print Retreat at Lake Ohau this weekend.

Led by internationally acclaimed and global ICM photographer Stephanie Johnson – Stephanie says she has been really blown away by the creativity all the ladies have shown as they have embraced their inner artist with ICM photography in such stunning ways! 😊❤️😊

I’m (Lesley) super stoked …. ICM teacher taught the photography mentor how to create awesome ICM images —> thank you masses Stephanie Johnson Photography!!! This image is my Lake Ohau, looking up to the western end of the lake.
